Marc Ona Essangui

English version

Text by Marc Ona Essangui

The ball of sorcerers, practitioners of political scams very active in the Association of Bedzi biome (to eat the things of) Ali freely has begun.

Like the last presidential election, they are trying to sell to Ali the list of those already caught in the camp of the real opposition and the free civil society, who have already agreed to Ali Bongo’s dialogue. And that means they have accepted hard cash. On the famous list would appear the name of your humble servant Marc Ona Essangui. The Mediators of this dialogue have already been designated. They would be the former Secretary General Kofi Annan, the former Secretary General of the OIF, Abdou Diouf and former and present representative of the Secretary General of the UN Abdoulaye Bathily.

I reaffirm here and now my firm position on what looks like a "kidding" of the Gabonese people.

Ali calls for dialogue on what grounds? Ali Bongo and his hawks are formal. Gabon is doing well. Presidential elections were held in republican terms and Ali was brilliantly plebiscited by the Gabonese people. Sworn in by the Conditional Court, a national unity government was formed consisting of emblematic figures of the opposition and the civil society.

When did the Ali camp speak of any situation requiring a national dialogue? We all saw Ali pay tribute to the policeman killed by some unknown killer in Oyem, but never has that camp raise the case of the Gabonese killed at Jean Ping’s headquarters and throughout the territory on the night of August 31. We all watched on television the Gabon-Morocco match where Ali Bongo and players of what is pompously designated a national team, not take any time to observe a moment of silence for those Gabonese killed by Ali Bongo’s death squads bullets.

Why speak of dialogue if Gabon is not undergoing any crisis, even economic?

A delaying tactic to anesthetize the Gabonese after the military-electoral coup of the junta in power which would allow them to organize peacefully the AFCON 2017. And Marc Ona Essangui would fall into this trap and this manipulation in the open? Who are they kidding?

And these announced mediators? I distrust that West African lobby of international organizations which in my opinion has found a land to conquer. It is not by chance that the first Head of State to congratulate Ali Bongo after his coup was none other than Macky Sall of Senegal. Even less insignificant is that the bulk of the Heads of State at his inauguration came from West Africa. And what about those supposed judges of the African Union who came to condone the coup of the Constitutional Court. Didn’t the bulk of them come from West Africa? Chad, Togo? The UN Secretary General has taken note of the electoral coup in Gabon while in the Ivory Coast a resolution was passed by the same UN to drive Laurent Gbagbo out, for the same causes. Have we not seen the meeting that the coup chief had with Abdoulaye Bathily delivering the congratulatory message from his boss, inspired of course by himself. Who are they kidding?

This crisis has had the merit of opening the eyes of the Gabonese people on a number of political realities in connection with the Bongo regime, its ramifications and accomplices both locally and internationally.

No one outside of the Gabonese people will make Gabon for them. We have sovereignly chosen the future of Gabon. All other maneuver and politician calculation won’t overcome our determination to conquer the sovereignty of the people. The blood of these valiant fighters was not spilled for nothing. Bertrand Zibi Abeghe and others are not tortured in Ali jails for nothing.

The only condition for a dialogue to take place with Ali is to recognize his defeat and negotiate the terms of his departure. Point.

Version française

Texte par Marc Ona Essangui

Le bal des sorciers, adeptes de l'escroquerie politique et très actifs dans l'Association des Bedzi biome Ali Cadeau a débuté. 

Tout comme les dernières présidentielles, ils sont en train de vendre à Ali la liste de ceux déjà péchés dans le camp de l'opposition véritable et de la société civile libre ayant déjà donné leur accord pour le dialogue d'Ali Bongo. Et ce moyennant des espèces sonnantes et trébuchantes. Sur la fameuse liste figurerait le nom de votre humble serviteur Marc Ona Essangui. Les médiateurs de ce dialogue auraient déjà été retenus. Il s'agirait de l'ancien Secrétaire Général Koffi Annan, de l'ancien Secrétaire Général de l'OIF Abdou Diouf et de l'ancien et présent représentant du Secrétaire General de l'ONU Abdoulaye Bathily.

Je voudrais réaffirmer ici et maintenant ma position ferme face à ce qui ressemble à un "foutage" de gueules des gabonais.

Ali appelle à un dialogue pour quels motifs? Ali Bongo et ses faucons sont formels. Le Gabon se porte bien. Les élections présidentielles se sont déroulées dans des conditions républicaines et Ali a brillamment été plébiscité par les gabonais. Investi par la Cour Conditionnelle un gouvernement d'union nationale a été formé comprenant les figures emblématiques de l'opposition et de la société civile. 

A quel moment le camp d'Ali a évoqué une quelconque situation nécessitant un dialogue national? Nous avons tous vu Ali rendre hommage au policier tué à Oyem par on ne sait quel assassin, mais jamais ce camp n'a évoqué le cas des gabonais tués au QG de Jean Ping dans la nuit du 31 aout et sur toute l'étendue du territoire. Nous avons tous suivi à la télévision le match Gabon-Maroc où Ali Bongo et les joueurs de ce qui est pompeusement désigné par équipe nationale n'ont pas pris la moindre minute pour observer une seconde de silence en hommage à ces gabonais tombés sous les balles des escadrons de la mort d'Ali Bongo.

Pourquoi parler de dialogue si le Gabon ne traverse aucune crise, même pas économique?

Une manœuvre dilatoire pour anesthésier les gabonais après le putsch militaro-électoral de la junte au pouvoir qui lui permettrait d'organiser avec quiétude la CAN 2017. Et Marc Marc Ona Essangui pourrait tomber dans ce piège et cette manipulation à ciel ouvert? De qui se moque-t-on?

Et ces médiateurs annoncés? Je me méfie de ce lobby ouest africain des organisations internationales qui a mon avis a trouvé une terre à conquérir. Ce n'est pas par hasard que le premier chef d'Etat à féliciter Ali Bongo après son putsch n'est autre que Macky Sall du Sénégal. Encore moins anodin que le gros des chefs d'Etats à son investiture soit de l'Afrique de l'Ouest. Et quid de ces fameux juristes de l'Union Africaine venus cautionner le coup de force de la Cour Constitutionnelle. Le gros du contingent ne venait-il pas de l'Afrique de l'Ouest? Tchad, Togo? Le Secrétaire Général de l'ONU a pris acte du putsch électoral au Gabon quand en Côte-d’Ivoire une résolution avait été votée par la même organisation onusienne pour chasser Laurent Gbagbo pour les mêmes causes. N'avons-nous pas assisté à l'audience que le putschiste en chef avait accordée à Abdoulaye Bathily remettant le message de félicitation de son patron inspiré bien entendu par lui-même. De qui se moque-t-on?

Cette crise a eu le mérite d'ouvrir les yeux des gabonais sur un certain nombre de réalités politiques en lien avec le régime Bongo, ses ramifications et ses complices tant au plan local qu'à l'international.

Personne en dehors des gabonais ne fera le Gabon à leur place. Nous avons de manière souveraine choisi l'avenir du Gabon. Toute autre manœuvre et calcul politicien ne viendra à bout de notre détermination à conquérir la souveraineté du peuple. Le sang de ces vaillants combattants n'a pas coulé pour rien. Bertrand Zibi Abeghe et les autres ne sont pas torturés dans les geôles d'Ali pour rien.

La seule condition pour qu'un dialogue ait lieu avec Ali c'est de reconnaitre sa défaite et négocier les conditions de son départ. Point.


  1. I have been an ardent reader of your blog and a follower of the international news on the politics and the election in Gabon.
    I have been speaking to my friends in the diaspora and seeing that they are doing what they can to keep the flame alive.
    Unfortunately, I cannot say that it is the same in Gabon. Almost most of Gabon and the Gabonese have put behind the episode of the election, its rigging, the violence and its aftermath.
    I can see that no-one here in Gabon really cares, for them its all the same - either ABO or JP. Most of the Gabonese feel let down by JP...For them in the end both are part of the regime, they tried by their votes to remove one and place the other...they tried with their blood to remove one and place the other...but in the end....its all talk and politics for both JP and ABO.
    Today, the real battle that the Gabonese are facing is how to live in poverty, without water, without access to decent schools or hospitals...and thats the reality.
    Though we keep saying 2016 cannot be 2009, it already is. ABO is in power and as time goes by - the media and the international community forget the blood spilled, the come to accept the one in power and all stories just remain that....stories.
    Like you had said earlier and I re-state ---- the only way out if by a Gabonese Spring...the only way out is to get to the Army and the Military. Today ABO is able to rule because he has the muscle behind him...One must actually see how to get the army/military to abandon the political rulers and back the people.

    We need to see more action in Gabon...we need to see more non-co-operation from the Gabonese people..

    I hope as time goes by and as the financial crunch is felt by the Govt. Employees and the Army/Military, they will all wake up and realise how they were swindled by the ones in power and what ruin of a country they have left with their greed and stupidity.

  2. You are right, we must pick things up and keep pushing until we succeed.



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